About Me

My journey into providing a range of holistic therapies began with my own experience of reflexology. After suffering with headaches, I decided to try reflexology and I was amazed at how it helped alleviate my symptoms.

After training as a reflexologist, I decided to further my training so I could offer clients a range of therapies to suit their needs, or combine therapies depending on their unique circumstances. This led me to train in massage as it compliments reflexology perfectly.

I have also completed specialist training in oncology massage so I can provide treatments to clients who present with a history of or are currently undergoing treatment for cancer. All treatments involve a consultation to enable me to effectively treat your specific treatment needs or concerns.


My treatment room is based at True Identity, 24 Commerce Street, Arbroath, DD11 1NB. Treatments are by appointment only.

©Brenda Carcary

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